2024 Staff Spotlight: Gerome

Q: What Certifications/Education do you have? 

A: Knowing Dogs 201 & Pet First Aid! 

Q: What are your pronouns?

A: He/him or they/them

Q: What is your preferred name?

A: Gerome

Q: When did you start?

A: 06/22/23!

Q: What is your position/title?

A: Playgroup leader plus!  

Q: What made you apply for this job?

A: I had just moved to Madison from Massachusetts and was looking for my next adventure! 

Q: What is your favorite part of daycare?

A: Getting to know so many dogs personally and feeling like part of their extended doggy family. 

Q: What is your favorite part of training?

A: Learning something new every day from the best of the best. 

Q: Favorite thing about your team?

A: How collaborative everyone is in making sure everyone (dogs & humans) are having a good time. 

Q: Favorite thing about the clients?

A: When they share stuff about how the dogs are at home, it's always a treat!

Q: Favorite thing about the dogs?

A: How varied and vibrant they all are, and how very, very silly. 

Q: Something unique about you – not related to the dogs

A: I'm really into Epicurean philosophy. 

Q: Something you’d never guess I’d do/peg me for

A: I'm really into heavy metal! 

Q: Which dog breed are you based on this quiz 

A: French bulldog 

Q: Which breed did you grow up with?

A: I actually didn't grow up with dogs, I've been a lifelong cat-haver. 

Q: Tell us about the pets that you live with now?

A: Just my cat, Belladonna! My mom adopted her from the pound in 2010, but she became 'officially' mine in 2019. She's a cuddly little angel. 

Q: Favorite color

A: Dark blue

Q: If you were a candle, what scent would you be?

A: Alpine forest. 

Q: If you could have 1 super power, what would it be?

A: Teleportation, to visit everywhere in the world. 

Q: What weird collections do you have

A: Animal bones & insect taxidermy. 


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