Staff Spotlight 2024: Jordan

Q: What Certifications/Education do you have?

A: Education: Bachelor of Science in Animal Science

- Certifications: Completion of Knowing Dogs 101 and 201

Q: What are your pronouns?

A: She/Her/Hers

Q: What is your preferred name?

A: Jordan

Q: When did you start?

A: June 2023

Q: What is your position/title?

A: Play Group Leader

Q: What made you apply for this job?

A: I wanted a job that was close to my field while I took some time off before applying for vet school.

Q: What is your favorite part of daycare?

A: My favorite part of daycare is meeting and learning about different types of dog breeds!

Q: What is your favorite part of training?

A: My favorite part of training is learning new things about dog behavior. It is all very interesting!

Q: Favorite thing about your team?

A: My favorite thing about my team is how kind and welcoming everyone is!

Q: Favorite thing about the clients?

A: My favorite thing about the clients is how nice they are, especially with newbies who are still learning the answers to all the questions themselves.

Q: Favorite thing about the dogs?

A: My favorite thing about the dogs is how they all have different personalities and know just how to make you smile.

Q: Something unique about you – not related to the dogs

A: I have never broken a bone.

Q: Something you’d never guess I’d do/peg me for

A: You’d probably never guess, but I am a major thrill seeker! My first time in an airplane I jumped out of it to go skydiving.

Q: Which dog breed are you based on this quiz:

A: Labrador Retriever

Q: Which breed did you grow up with?

A: I grew up with a German Shepard and a Pug

Q: Tell us about the pets that you live with now?

A: I currently have a puppy named Memphis. He is a 5 month old hound mix and he is a handful, but he gives the best snuggles. I also have an 8 year old cat named Chewie. He’s been an only child for the past 2 years, so he’s a little jealous of the new kid in town. He has decided that him and Memphis are mortal enemies until further notice!

Q: Favorite color?

A: Hard to pick! Currently it is blue/gray, but it changes with the seasons.

Q: Share a boring fact

A: I drink chocolate milk more than white milk.

Q: If you got stranded on an island & its just you & your best buddy doggo, what other animal would you want with you both & why?

A: I would want Chewie (my cat) along with us as well because it would be unfair to be stranded with one child and not the other.

Q: If you were a candle, what scent would you be?

A: Something warm and cozy with amber as a main note.

Q: If you could have 1 super power, what would it be?

A: Talking to animals.

Q: What weird collections do you have

A: I collect fun root beer bottles (full or empty, doesn’t matter)


Staff Spotlight 2024: Riley


Camping/Great Outdoors Month