2024 Staff Spotlight: Lexi

Q: What Certifications/Education do you have?

A: Knowing Dogs 101 and 201, Pet First Aid, (and a non pet related Bachelors degree)

Q: What are your pronouns?

A: she/her

Q: What is your preferred name?

A: Lexi

Q: When did you start?

A: 8/2022

Q: What is your position/title?

A: Playgroup Leader

Q: What made you apply for this job?

A: I’ve always wanted to work with animals, and this was the perfect opportunity! I looked into a few different daycares, but The Dog Den seemed to be the most focused on educating staff and improving the behaviors of dogs.

Q: What is your favorite part of daycare?

A: I love watching the puppies grow up and then continuing to work with them at the adult locations.

Q: What is your favorite part of training?

A: I’ve learned so much about dog behaviors and body language. I still feel like the dogs are teaching me more every day!

Q: Favorite thing about your team?

A: Everyone is so nice and willing to help! They make this such a nice environment to work in.

Q: Favorite thing about the clients?

A: Everyone loves their dogs so much and wants what is best for them!

Q: Favorite thing about the dogs?

A: I love befriending the shy dogs! It’s so nice to see them slowly come out of their shell.

Q: Something unique about you – not related to the dogs

A: I sell crocheted items on Etsy and at a cat cafe!

Q: Something you’d never guess I’d do/peg me for

A: I can ride a unicycle!

Q: Which dog breed are you based on this quiz:

A: Greyhound!

Q: Which breed did you grow up with?

A: Maltese, Yorkie, and a lab mix!

Q: Tell us about the pets that you live with now?

A: I have three cats! Nova is a sweet black kitty, River is part Siamese (and very talkative), and Willow is a playful tabby and white cat. River and Willow are very food motivated, so I’ve been teaching them some tricks using training methods that I’ve learned while working at the Dog Den!

Q: Favorite color

A: lavender!

Q: Share a boring fact

A: my favorite crochet hooks are Clover hooks

Q: If you were a candle, what scent would you be?

A: cedar and vanilla

Q: If you could have 1 super power, what would it be?

A: teleportation


Staff Spotlight 2024: Riley