2024 Staff Spotlight: Ericka

Q: What Certifications/Education do you have? 

A: Knowing Dogs 201 , Pet First Aid

Q: What are your pronouns? 

A: she/ her

Q: What is your preferred name? 

A: Ericka

Q: When did you start?

A: 2023

Q: What is your position/title? 

A: Playgroup leader

Q: What made you apply for this job? 

A: I love being around dogs and learning how to be a better advocate for dogs and their peoples 

Q: What is your favorite part of daycare? 

A: Seeing all the happy faces and fluffy greetings 

Q: What is your favorite part of training? 

A: Helping dogs and people work through their difficulties

Q: Favorite thing about your team? 

A: Easy to talk to and informative  

Q: Favorite thing about the clients? 

A: They are grateful for us caring for their animals 

Q: Favorite thing about the dogs? 

A: Watching them play with their friends or lounge in the sunny spots 

Q: Something unique about you – not related to the dogs

A: I own a hair salon business for the last 7 years

Q: Something you’d never guess I’d do/peg me for

A: I enjoy learning new languages and instruments 

Q: Which dog breed are you based on this quiz:

A: greyhound

Q: Which breed did you grow up with? 

A: Dobermans 

Q: Tell us about the pets that you live with now? 

A: Tortie 6 year old Tortoise 

Q: Favorite color 

A: Cobalt blue

Q: Share a boring fact

A: I like coffee ice cream

Q: If you were a candle, what scent would you be? 

A: Toasted marshmallow

Q: What weird collections do you have

A: I love antiques!


Camping/Great Outdoors Month


2024 Staff Spotlight: Austin