2023 Staff Spotlight: Maggie
Name: Maggie
Main Location: Puppy and Fitchburg
Q: What Certifications/Education do you have? (PhD/Knowing Dogs 201/Pet First Aid/CPACP/etc?)-
A: Knowing Dogs 101 & 201 and Pet First Aid
Q: What are your pronouns?
A: she/her/hers
Q: What is your preferred name?
A: Maggie
Q: When did you start?
A: May 2021
Q: What is your position/title?
A: Playgroup Leader Plus
Q: What made you apply for this job?
A: I've always loved dogs growing up. My dad and I trained our household dogs together and I've always been interested in how dogs think and why they do the things they do so when I saw that The Dog Den was hiring I jumped at the opportunity to work with dogs and learn more about them.
Q: What is your favorite part of daycare?
A: Seeing all of our daycare dogs different goofy and fun personalities and getting constant snuggles!
Q: What is your favorite part of training?
A: Getting to see the progress that's being made with each individual dog.
Q: Favorite thing about your team?
A: I love that I can always ask for help and not feel judged.
Q: Favorite thing about the clients?
A: Getting to see their reaction when we tell them something goofy or funny that their dog did at daycare that day.
Q: Favorite thing about the dogs?
A: Getting to know all their fun and quirky personalities.
Q: Something unique about you
A: I have written many songs with multiple different groups of people.
Q: Something you’d never guess I’d do/peg me for
A: When I got out high school I was thinking about going into cosmetology.
Q: Which dog breed are you based on this quiz:
A: Labrador
Q: Which breed did you grow up with?
A: German Shepherds/Shepherd Mixes
Q: Tell us about the pets that you live with now?
A: I have one black golden doodle. Her name is Hope, she’s 10 years old. She’s mixed with a cream golden and a black poodle. She is the first doodle we’ve ever had and I wouldn’t trade her for anything.
Q: Favorite color
A: I have multiple I can never pick just one! It changes every week.
Q: Share a boring fact
A: I do calligraphy and drawing in my spare time
Q: If you were a candle, what scent would you be?
A: Mahagony Teakwood or something that has a cologne scent to it.
Q: What weird collections do you have
A: crystals, gems and stones