2023 Staff Spotlight: Nick
Meet Nick, The Puppy Den Coordinator!
Q: What Certifications/Education do you have?
A: CPACP, CPACM, Pet First Aid, Knowing Dogs 101 and 201, Bachelor's Degree in Animal Science
Q: What are your pronouns?
A: He/Him/His
Q: What is your preferred name?
A: Nick
Q: When did you start?
A: October 2015
Q: What is your position/title?
A: Lead Senior Dog, Senior Playgroup Leader, The Puppy Den Coordintor (unsure if you want it to be senior dog or senior playgroup leader)
Q: What made you apply for this this job?
A: I was originally looking for animal experience to boost my resume for vet school applications, but quickly fell in love with the dogs as well as animal behavior.
Q: What is your favorite part of daycare?
A: Helping the dogs learn, especially the puppies gain confidence with new environments/people/dogs.
Q: What is your favorite part of training?
A: Building client relationships to help them create a good bond with their dogs!
Q: Favorite thing about your team?
A: How much laughter we share!
Q: Favorite thing about the clients?
A: How thoughtful all of our clients are!
Q: Favorite thing about the dogs?
A: The different personalities and getting extra snuggles in!
Q: Something unique about you – not related to the dogs
A: I have FOUR first names (Nicholas Elliot James David), guess I was just collecting them 😉
Q: Something you’d never guess I’d do/peg me for
A: I spend quite a bit of time gaming at home off and on, depends how busy the dogs keep me!
Q: Which dog breed are you based on this quiz:
A: Greyhound
"You are a greyhound for sure. You are high maintenance and demanding, but when you are looked after properly, you run like a well-oiled machine. You live by the philosophy that what you put in is what you get out. You eat right, work out, and work hard. Just make sure you're chasing a real goal and not a dream!"
Q: Which breed did you grow up with?
A: Labs, Great Dane, Keeshond, Pomeranians
Q: Tell us about the pets that you live with now?
A:I got a vizsla puppy, her name is Magnolia and she is the light of my life currently!
Q: Favorite color
A: Green
Q: Share a boring fact about yourself
A: Samsung all the way, I have only ever owned 1 iPod, but everything in my house is either Microsoft/Samsung.
Q: If you were a candle, what scent would you be?
A: Mahogany or Cederwood
Q: If you could have 1 super power, what would it be?
A: Probably teleportation, it tends to change as I get older, but being able to travel from work to home instantly or anywhere in the world AND bring people with would be lots of fun!
Q: What ice cream are you?
A: Cookies and Cream!
Q: What weird collections do you have
A: I still have a Beanie baby collection, sitting in my parents house. I used to have a rock collection too, when I was younger.